
The secret to our project success is discipline in delivery!

Integile– where skill, knowledge, innovation, and productivity converge to provide you quality PeopleSoft Support, PUM and 9.2 Upgrade Services and Business Intelligence solutions to meet your needs.

We believe in leveraging technology to give you a definitive advantage in today’s competitive marketplace. With Integile, you will experience great ease of doing business. We incorporate a consultative approach to problem solving. Exploring to think out-of-the-box is a given in our work culture. Working with us will bring to your organization several advantages.

Dedicated High-Quality Pool of Consultants

Quality – Commitment – Hard Work! – A dedicated pool of consultants and support personnel with a flexible model for incorporating additional resources for very specialized tasks. A quick scale up or scale down of resources is one of the key advantages of working with us. We meet your needs as and when they occur.

Complete Transparency

Complete transparency is a focal point of all our client relations. You will get to know your team members on a first name basis whether they are onsite or offsite, will be able to engage in regular meetings, and will get timely task reports on project.

Follow-the-Sun Model

We provide you the flexibility of choosing a team that either works at parallel with your team, or works after-hours with a few hours of overlap time for daily hand-over. This gives you the advantage of shortened life cycles and round-the-clock support for your projects.

Privacy and Intellectual Property Policy

We adhere to a strict privacy and intellectual property policy. The protection of client data and property rights is a priority at Integile.

Lower Cost of Ownership

By partnering with Integile, you not only assure yourself of quality service, you also gain the added advantage of operating at a lower cost of ownership due to tasks being completed quicker by higher quality consultants.

Consulting companies today are facing numerous challenges and need to keep in pace with market demand for survival. Integile help in aligning IT processes in par with the market demands for meeting everyday challenges.

We have adopted certain proven repeatable processes that help us implement services better. Effective project management will lead to projects meeting expectations in terms of objectives, cost, or delivery schedule. We therefore systemize the task of delivering solutions through unique project management techniques and engaging quality consultants early on in the project.

We have phased all our developmental activities in to the following stages.

Planning and Design

Any project starts with the Requirements analysis phase. Customers typically have an abstract idea of what they want as an end result, but not about the software that should be developed. We help them out at this stage by gathering their requirements regardless of its being incomplete, ambiguous, or even contradictory and analyze them to provide a Scope Document with the requirements neatly stated.

Prototyping or Proof of Concept

Once the requirements are clearly understood and conveyed to the clients, we develop a Technical design document and strive to find and remove all potential risks through careful analysis. If feasible, a prototype is constructed to assist in the process. Through this method, our clients will gain a clear picture and will be able to pro-actively suggest inclusions or modifications.


This phase brings to life the prototype with the help of programmers who fully develop a functional application comprising of all the requirements specified by the client.

For small projects, we may assume a complete development cycle involving coding of all the requirements as per the design, followed by end-to-end testing before commencing the actual implementation. In situations where the client is not very sure of their analytical requirements, we may adopt an Iterative or Incremental model to construct small portions of the applications initially. This will help all those involved in the project to locate or uncover potential problems or limitations at an early stage.

For large projects, we follow rapid prototyping or agile methodologies, where business requirements are phased out into functional units and each unit is broken into smaller ones. Within each, a set of functional requirements will be adopted, developed and delivered in a periodic sprint. This uses a feedback mechanism rather than the planning approach, since the clients will be involved in the sprints to identify if the requirements are met and if any changes are to be taken up in subsequent sprints.


Testing is an important phase of the development process within which we aim at ruling out defects or functionality constraints at an early stage to avoid further occurrences of defects. We prepare test cases while designing the Business Intelligence application. In addition, test reports are generated for every unit level, system, integration, and regression level for upgrade, new implementation and move to cloud infrastructure.

Deployment and Maintenance

Once the software has been tested and approved for release, the next phase is to deploy the application live.

We provide a user document for the users to get familiar with the new functionality and application and also provide training to effectively use and manage the application.


Documentation is done in all stages of development for enabling future maintenance and enhancement. This system of documentation will enable new additions to the core team to quickly get familiar with functionality and code changes made to the application. We ensure that coding guidelines are followed and comments are provided in the code to enable others to understand the logic involved.